FEMA’s Wireless Alert System; Local Scientist Selected for NASA Mission; ADA Compliant Websites; Pianist Joyce Yang

Integrated Public Alert and Warning System
Last week an erroneous incoming missile alert appeared on the phones of Hawaii residents and visitors. A FEMA spokesperson explains how that system works.
Into Music: Skin On the Cacao by M. Walking On the Water
Outro Music: Wake Up by Mono:Massive

Hawaii Scientist Selected for OSIRIS-Rex Mission
NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex mission is ambitious: send a spacecraft to a distant asteroid, retrieve a sample of that asteroid, and return to Earth. A local scientist is helping the effort.
Into Music: Tickets for Tokyo by Agent Special Ed
Outro Music: Architecture by Manor

ADA Compliant Websites
The Americans with Disabilities Act helps ensure the disabled can function in society. Those regulations apply to a vital but often overlooked realm: websites.
Outro Music: Green Aisles by Real Estate

Civil Beat Reality Check
Hawaii’s State Department of Land and Natural Resources Director Suzanne Case says the impacts of climate change are already being felt, all around us, and the potential impacts are nothing less than catastrophic.
Outro Music: Scooby's in the Back by HalfNoise

Pianist Joyce Yang
Performing careers for classical music artists are often born in competition, as pianist Joyce Yang’s was with her silver medal finish at the 2005 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition when she was 19 years old.
Into Music: Everything Now by Arcade Fire
Outro Music: The Little Island, Op. 14, No. 2 (Sergei Rachmaninoff) played by Joyce Yang