Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act; Analysis of Republican Tax Plan; Waikiki Shipwreck Environmental Impacts

Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has introduced H.R.3671, the Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act, in Congress. Among its more ambitious provisions: a requirement that 80 percent of new vehicle sales be zero-emission by 2017, and that no federal permits for new major fossil fuel projects would be issued after the first of January.
Intro Music: Sparkle by Greenwood
Outro Music: Caring Is Creepy by The Shins

As a new study affirms political divisions exist, not only between right and left, Democrat and Republican, but within ideological units that once could find common ground.
Intro Music: I Want to Break Free by Queen
Outro Music: Spectrum by junk-E-cat

Back in the days when a day at Ala Moana Center meant shopping at Liberty House or Sears and grabbing a bite at Patti’s Chinese Kitchen, the surrounding neighborhood was a mix of inexpensive apartments, hostess bars, and mom-and-pop stores. But just as the Center has gone upscale, so has the neighborhood, and local people who moved to the Ala Moana neighborhood back in the day are feeling squeezed out by expensive high-rises.
Outro Music: Smother by St. Sleep

Analysis of Republican Tax Plan
Despite promises that the Republican tax cuts would benefit the middle class, the consensus from independent sources seems to be rather the opposite: that the rich would benefit and people on society’s bottom rung would suffer.
Outro Music: Teakwood Betz by Perpetual Groove

Waikiki Shipwreck Environmental Impacts
The grounding of the 79-foot commercial fishing vessel Pacific Paradise offshore, less than a mile off of Diamond Head near the Outrigger Canoe Club raises a number of concerns, environmental and legal. How did the vessel get there; who was in charge? The Coast Guard never got a distress call, and had to rescue 19 foreign nationals aboard -- foreign nationals who are permitted aboard ship but denied US visas.
Outro Music: Ocean by Hamilton, Hedvig