Citizen Journalism in Raqqa; Regulating the Hana Highway; Thoughts on Poetry

City of Ghosts Highlights Citizen Journalists in Raqqa
Since 2011, non-professional, “citizen journalists” have been risking their lives to document the horror of life in Syria under ISIS. City of Ghosts highlights the work of such citizen journalists in Raqqa.
Outro Music: The Merchant of Cairo by Middle Eastern Musicians Conglomerate

Regulating Traffic Congestion on the Road to Hana
Some residents Hana are calling for regulation to more smoothly manage the flow of residential and visitor traffic through the narrow and winding Hana Highway.
Outro Music: Endless Highway by Bob Dylan

Civil Beat Reality Check
Pongamia is a little-known crop with a lot of potential as a bio-fuel. It is being cultivated on 50 acres of former sugar cane land on O’ahu’s North Shore.
Outro Music: Mysterious Ways - Perfecto Mix by U2

Poet Edward Hirsch
The occasion of renowned poet W.S. Merwin’s 90th birthday has brought another much-honored poet, Edward Hirsch, to Hawaii.