Assessing of the Asia Pivot; Maui Health System; Tsunami Warning Funding
Assessing the Asia Pivot: David Arnold
In the Obama years, U S foreign policy had been making a pivot toward Asia. With the installation of the Trump Administration, that changed.
Intro Music: Spooky by Dusty Springfield
Outro Music: We Shot The World by The Ponys
Tsunami Warning System Funding Under Threat: Kevin Richards
Funding from the federal government for the tsunami warning system could be in jeopardy the Trump Administration’s proposed budget is adopted.
Intro Music: Downtown Money Waster by The Black Crowes
Outro Music: TSUNAMI by Slight
Civil Beat Reality Check
The Marco Polo fire is providing a lesson for all other condominium owners but for the owners of the Marco Polo units damaged by fire and water, that lesson may literally be at their expense.
Outro Music: Crystalized The xx
Early Report from Kaiser Permanente’s Maui Health System Manager: Ray Hahn
Three weeks ago, Kaiser Permanente took over the management of the three community hospitals that comprise the Maui County health system.
Intro Music: Razzle Dazzle Rose by Camera Obscura
Outro Music: Old Soul Song (For The New World Order) by Bright Eyes
Predicting Lava Flow Trajectories from Space: Estelle Bonny
The UH -based Hawaii Institute for Geophysics and Planetology developed a system using infrared satellite data from NASA to help predict lava flows.
Intro Music: Volcano by Karina Rae
Outro Music: Mzungu by Castro