Coral Reef Health: Ruth Gates; Nick & Danny Kaleikini Mother’s Day show

Between a change in ocean policy and disease, our coral reefs are under threat. We spoke with School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology - SOEST Professor Ruth Gates (Gates Lab) about the Coral Reef Sustainability Through Innovation Act of 2017
Intro Music: Waiting on the Summer by VHS Colllection
Outro Music: Kings of Summer (feat. Quinn XCII) by ayokay
Nick & Danny Kaleikini Mother’s Day show

Entertainers Danny and Nicholas Kaleikini have turned show business into a family business. They treat audiences like family and create a fun, intimate performance every show. Catch Danny & Nicholas Kaleikini at Blue Note Hawaii on May 16th.
Intro Music: Aloha by Danny Kaleikini & Nicholas Kaleikini
Outro Music: Ka Leo O Ka Manu by Danny Kaleikini & Nicholas Kaleikini

Hilton janitors say they were paid far less than union members, violating a union contract. Now they may get over 1 million in unpaid wages.
Intro Music: Kennedy by Ratatat
Kauai County Council Check-in: Chair Mel Rapozo

We sat down with Kauai County Council Chair Mel Rapozo to have a post legislative session county check in.
Intro Music: Hustle by Itadi
Outro Music: Look up in the Sky by Francis The Great

Shangri La, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art's artist in residence, Noorjehan Bilgrami, joined us today to talk about the importance of geometry to her work and its tradition.
Intro Music: Good Evening by The Concretes
Outro Music: Satori Trail by Yantra Mantra