Caught in a Twitter War; Value of a University of Hawaii Education; Music from Daniel Ho
“Boycott Hawaii” Twitter War: Ryan Ozawa
Ryan Ozawa, Co-host of Hawaii Public Radio’s Bytemarks Café program owns the Twitter handle @hawaii and he found himself in the middle of this week’s “Boycott Hawaii” Twitter war.
Intro Music: Slim Jim and the Seven Eleven Girl by Gaelic Storm
Outro Music: Mai Tai Beach by Little Glass Men
Children’s Book Conference: Kirsten Carlson
A conference of children’s authors and illustrators is happening in Hawaii next week.
Intro Music: Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You by Whitney
Outro Music: Rumpus Reprise by Karen O and The Kids
Civil Beat Reality Check: Skinny Budget
Many Members of Congress do not like the Trump Administration’s proposed budget and Hawaii’s Congressional delegation is no exception.
Outro Music: Blossom by Milky Chance
Expected Return on an Education from UH: Jonathan Page
College acceptance season means big financial decisions for students and parents. A new report from UHERO lays out what kind of return you can expect from a University of Hawaii degree.
Outro Music: Santiago by Preservation Jazz Hall Band
Combining Old and New: Daniel Ho
Daniel Ho is a multi-instrumentalist and producer who is determined to stretch the boundaries of local music, merging traditional and modern sounds in search of a new kind of fusion.
Intro Music: Faithfully by Daniel Ho
Outro Music: Soaring Dream by Daniel Ho