Kauai County Tackles Affordable Housing; SpyroGyra Isn’t Just Algae; Energy Storage Problem Solving in Hawaii; US Military and Conservation
Multi-Pronged Approach to Affordable Housing on Kauai: Kanani Fu

Hawaii continues to grapple with how to provide affordable house, Each county is approaching the issue in different ways, looking for incentives to make a win-win proposition. Kauai is currently in a struggle over a bill to allow residents in certain districts to apply for a permit to add rental units to their property. There is another bill looking at allowing multiple family housing units in all zoning districts up for hearing next month. Meanwhile a new affordable rental development for seniors is now taking applications. as we continue our look at how each county is coping with providing affordable housing, Kauai County Housing Agency director, KanaiFu joins us
Intro Music: Shaker Song by Spyro Gyra
Outro Music: Come Home by CHAPPO
Spyro Gyra at the Blue Note Hawaii: Jay Beckenstein

So you’re about to get a get a gig at this club in Buffalo, and the club manager wants to know the name of your group. You think about it, and remember a species of blue-green algae called spirogyra from a college biology exam. The club guy thanks you, and later, you notice the posters spell it as two words SpyroGyra, which is incorrect, but what the heck, you go with it. And now, four decades later, that band’s Jazz fusion is going strong all over the world. Bandleader, Founder, Saxophonist and Songwriter Jay Beckenstein joins us this morning.
Intro Music: Morning Dance by Spyro Gyra
Outro Music: Catching the Sun by Spyro Gyra
Civil Beat Reality Check: US Military and Conservation

At the exhibits on display at the World Conservation Congress, there were three you might not have expected to see. They tried to answer this question: can the military be a conservationist? Civil Beat Editor and General Manager Patti Epler has the answer in today’s reality check.
Intro Music: Spintered Heart by Iration
Outro Music: Ladies Don't Play Guitar by Tennis
NELHA Energy Storage Conference Takeaways: Laurence Sombardier

With a portfolio of natural energy comprising Hawaii’s future energy plan, how to store what’s generated is a big issue. It got a little smaller this week at a conference sponsored by The Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority, often referred to as NELHA, the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism and the island of Hawaii. Laurence Sombardier is the chief marketing officer for NELHA.
Click here for the DOE document that summarizes vanadium flow battery chemistry innovation developed at PNNL.
Intro Music: DW Theme
Outro Music: Shine A Light by The Band
Makiki Library, 40th Anniversary: Wendy Maxwell

In 1976, if Makiki residents wanted to use the library, they had to go to the main branch next to Honolulu Hale, or to Manoa, or to Mo’ili’ili. That's when they decided to form their own Community library, and got permission to use a city building in Makiki District Park. It's not part of the Hawaii State Public Library system, it's run by a nonprofit, The Friends of Makiki Community Library. Still located in the same location, the Friends of Makiki Community Library volunteers (including President Wendy Maxwell) keep the library running and celebrates the big 40 this weekend.
Intro Music: Town Square Theme
Outro Music: Sunflurry by Spyro Gyra