From the Farm; Documentary "Holy Hell"; Honolulu Mayoral Candidate

With both political party conventions now over, there are now two months before the first presidential debate, and three months before Election Day. Opinion polls show that Hillary Clinton bounced back into the lead after the Democratic Convention, while Donald Trump battles the parents of a war hero and struggles with the modern history of Ukraine...politics is ever on the mind of news analyst Neal Conan.
Intro Music: Positive Fun by PremiumTraX
Outro Music: Meanwhile Back at mama's by THe Juke Box Band
Documentary "Holy Hell": Will Allen

Will Allen gave two decades of his life to a Los Angeles-based cult, and to its charismatic leader. What began as a journey toward personal growth turned into a life of subjugation -- one from which he could not free himself. His life in the cult, and his eventual escape, became a documentary film, called “Holy Hell,” that’s he’s bringing to the Honolulu Museum of Art’s 27th Annual Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival. "Holy Hell” screens at Friday August 19th, at the Doris Duke Theater.
Intro Music: Holy Hell by Noun
Outro Music: Hot Iron by PremiumTraX
Honolulu Mayoral Candidate: Charles Djou

In 11 days, voters in the City and County of Honolulu will make their selection for mayor. Whether that’s the incumbent or one of the challengers comes down to which of the candidates can get the fifty-one percent majority in the primary...or if not, which top two candidates will face each other in November. In either scenario, Charles Djou would like to be Honolulu’s next mayor and today in our series of conversations with the top three candidates, we pick up with sit down with Charles Djou.
Intro Music: Hard Grunge Metal District by Big Wall Production
Outro Music: Candyman by Jim James and Friends