HB1072; 7th International Beachcombing Conference; SB2888; Feline Fix-a-Thon
It’s a question Hawaii has considered for decades: should certain psychologists be allowed to prescribe medication? In 1985, Hawaii was the first state to consider the issue and it came close to answering it in 2008 when a bill passed the Legislature but was vetoed by then Governor Lingle. Prescriptive authority is back again this year in a bill carried over from last session. In about an hour, HB1072 will get its first public airing of 2016. In advance of that, the new executive director of Mental Health America of Hawaii Trisha Kajimura joined The Conversation to share her thoughts on the bill.
- Intro Music: St. Thomas by Sonny Rollins
- Outro Music: Valhalla by Emancipator
7th International Beachcombing Conference: Dr. Deacon Ritterbush

You might think of beachcombing as a solitary, meditative activity, and if you do, it could surprise you to know that there’s a worldwide community out there… one that’s strong enough to hold an international conference every year. It’s four days of walks, workshops, and opportunities to compare notes with like-minded enthusiasts, of whom Deacon Ritterbush, Ph.D. (aka Dr. Beachcomb) is one. She’s the Founder and Coordinator of the International Beachcombing Conference, coming to the Big Island in May, and she joined the show to tell us about it.
- Intro Music: Bedlam by Thom Starr & Galaxies
- Outro Music: Surf Nouveau by The Aqua Velvets

Later today, two state senate committees will tackle whether mental health examinations to determine fitness should be separated from evaluations of criminal responsibility. Part of the question also includes whether the panel size should be changed from three to one to allow for more timely examinations. The bill is part of the Governor’s package and opinions are split on the packaging of the two ideas. Attorney Louis Erteschik is the Executive Director of the Hawaii Disability Rights Center and a former Hearing Officer for the Hawaii Department of Health. He joined the show via phone to give his opinion on the matter.
- Intro Music: Elegiac by Jon Hopkins
- Outro Music: Save Yourself by Hiatus
SPCA Maui's Feline Fixathon: Peter Tierney
Take a single unfixed feral cat and seven years later you’ve got thirty thousand of them. That’s a lot for people to take in but when they do, they listen very closely when the SPCA recites its mantra of “Trap, Neuter, Return, and Manage.” It’s not a question of addressing a problem before it gets out of control - we’re already there - but it’s something we can do now that makes a difference, and it’s why the SPCA Maui is holding a Feline Fix-a-Thon this Sunday. Peter Tierney is a volunteer with SPCA Maui, and he joined the show via phone from there.
- Intro Music: Stray Cat Strut by Stray Cats
- Outro Music: Ocelot by Emancipator