Preventing Drowsy Driving; Mississippi Blues; Big Ocean Think Tank; NaWahineAlii
Preventing Drowsy Driving: Dr. Matthew Uhles
If you’ve been driving for a while, you’ve probably had some experience that’s made you viscerally understand how quickly something can go wrong when you’re behind the wheel. For young people, perhaps not so much …unless they’ve been in the car with adults who are texting, speeding or driving drowsy. This week, 35 schools statewide are promoting the ‘Stop If You Love Me’ campaign. It’s a partnership between DTRIC insurance and the state department of education. Sleep medicine expert, Dr. MattthewUhles, is in Hawaii to speak about the driving drowsy component. He’s the Vice President of Diagnostics, Research, and Technology at the Clayton Sleep Institute; lectures and leads courses at St. Louis University and Forest Park College as well as at regional and national sleep conferences; and has been a Principal Investigator or a Co-Investigator in sleep research trials to counter insomnia, pain and stress.
- Intro Music: Back to Black instrumental by Amy Winehouse
- Outro Music: Lazeez by Acoustic Alchemy
Mississippi Blues: “Ramblin’” Steve Gardner

Blues artists have a sense of mission, because the music carries a message, and it’s about a lot more than hard times and hard feelings. It’s about overcoming those barriers and carrying on. It’s a message Steve Gardner and his resonator guitar have taken all over the world -- that’s why they call him “Ramblin’” Steve. He’s from Mississippi, and those influences will never leave him; he’s performing in Honolulu: this Friday at Anna O’Brien’s and Sunday at The Studio at Hawaiian Brian’s.
- Intro Music: Hesitation Blues by Steve Gardner
- Live Interview Music: Mississippi River Blues by Steve Gardner
- Outro Music: Waiting’ on a Train by Steve Gardner
Big Ocean Think Tank: Dr. Alan Friedlander
The science of marine conservation is often at odds with political, social and economic pressures. Over the past few days, a group of 125 participants from 18 universities in 15 countries have been gathering in Honolulu. Their goal is to create a comprehensive strategy for countering the human challenges of Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas. One of the think tank organizers is Alan Friedlander chief scientist of the National Geographic Pristine Seas Program and director of the UH Fisheries Ecology Research Lab. Before he heads off to the last day of the conference, he is in our studio with a progress report. For over 30 years Dr. Friedlander has focused on population regulation in marine ecosystems - most recently to help understand what the ocean was like before heavy human impact.
- Intro Music: Sail Away by David Gray
- Outro Music: Time Is the Enemy by Quantic
Na Wahine Alii, A Visit With Emma and Liliuokalani: Jackie Pualani Johnson
Every student of history wonders at some point what historical figures might have said to one another when no one else was around -- and recreating such conversations can be tricky for the author of historical fiction. You want to be true to the personalities of the people involved, and to the historical record. Jackie Pualani Johnson is a UH-Hilo professor of theater and the author of “Na Wahine Alii, a visit With Emma and Lili‘uokalani” – two short plays that will be performed this weekend on Kauai. Saturday’s performance will be at Church of the Pacific and the Sunday show is in St. Michael and All Angels Church Hall in Lihue, Kauai.
- Intro Music: He `Ai N? Kalani by Ozzie Kotani
- Outro Music: Song for Liliu by Henry Kapono