Tuesday, December 30th – from HPR2, it’s The Conversation
Hawaii Health Connector Update: Jeff Kissel
It’s no secret that the Hawaii Health Connector had a rough start last year, and it has faced a crisis of consumer confidence as a result. As the Connector’s Executive Director, it’s Jeff Kissel’s task to help rebuild that confidence, and with a couple of months to go on its open enrollment period, he’s spreading the word that affordable health care is now within everyone’s reach.
Intro Music: Back to Black Instrumental by Amy Winehouse
Outro Music: New Year Ahead by Filtered Music
Artspace - Affordable Housing for Artists: Vicky Holt Takamine
Notwithstanding their wealth of talent, artists in these isles struggle with dim job prospects, dwindling paychecks and decreased public funding. Vicky Holt Takamine has done her part to lift their burden. She is a popular kumu hula (teacher of traditional Hawaiian dance) and the Executive Director of the non-profit PA‘I Foundation showcasing native artists. In the last three years, she’s extended her arts advocacy by coordinating with Artspace. Artspace is a national, nonprofit real estate developer specializing in creating housing units just for artists. Vicky Holt Takamine joined us in the studio to share some news about Artspaces’ plans for Kakaako.
Intro Music: Ukey-Ukulele by Akamai Brain Collective
Outro Music: E ku'u Morning Dew by Benny Chong
Cyber Attacks: Dr. Tsuchiya, East West Center
Recent events have reminded us of the effect cyber attacks can have. It’s a whole new face of warfare and one that governments are scrambling to stay ahead of. One way to stay ahead of the game is to employ expert advisors. Dr. Motohiro Tsuchiya is one of them. He’s a cyber security advisor to the Japanese government and a visiting scholar at the East West Center. He’s joined us this morning in studio.
Intro Music: So Glad You Came by Piano Tribute Player
Outro Music: Elliptic by Vessels
“The Village Effect”: Susan Pinker
Quit smoking, start jogging, jog more, eat less… so goes the commonplace litany of New Year’s resolutions made in hopes of improving your chances of having a long and healthy life. But if you want to achieve these goals, consider improving your relationships. Not the ones you click on in Cyberspace… the ones you nurture face to face. This old-fashioned idea gets new support from Susan Pinker. She is a developmental psychologist and renowned writer on emerging issues in social science. She has amassed a wealth of research suggesting that virtual connections cannot replace the value of warm-blooded human interaction. That’s a phenomenon she calls the Village Effect, which is also the title of her new book. Susan Pinker joined us by phone this morning to share some insights that may just tweak your New Year’s resolutions.
Intro Music: Street Band. Village Atmosphere by SFX Professional Resource
Outro Music: Cold Steel Canyon by The Village Stompers