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Zero Waste Schools; InternationalStudent Exchange; Opposing Chancellor's Ouster; Publishing Workshop

Wednesday, July 30th – from HPR2, it’s The Conversation

Zero Waste Schools: Mindy Jaffe

Mindy Jaffe

You've heard the expression, "make lemonade out of lemons" ... the update to that - at least at Pearl City High school-  is "make compost out of trash." Last year 40 tons, literally 40 tons, of food and green waste stayed right at the school and out of a landfill or H-power. It stayed put because of the campus diverted waste movement led by Mindy Jaffe. And while the success of Pearl  City High is replicable and other principals call her frequently, the lack of funds means tons of school food and green waste this year will still be trucked away. Mindy Jaffe joins us now.

Intro Music: It’s Nice To Be Alive by Ball Park Music

Outro Music: Rocket Ship by San Cisco

ACE International Student Exchange Program: Chase Cavitt

Chase Cavitt

CV:   International exchange programs, where students spend part of their summer with an overseas host family, offer the kind of educational experience no school can provide – for everyone concerned.   ACE International is looking for O’ahu families to act as hosts for French exchange students this summer, and Chase Cavitt, Hawaii Coordinator for the organization, is on hand to tell us more.

Intro Music: Golden Revolver by San Cisco

Outro Music: La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf

UH Student Groups Oppose Chancellor Apple’s Ouster: Michelle Tigchelaar

Michelle Tigchelaar

Will he stay or will he go? That’s the unanswered question about UH Chancellor Tom Apple. Students say they support Chancellor Apple, but how much can they do if the decision is already made - even if it’s yet unannounced.  Michelle Tigchelaar is the president of the Graduate Student Organization. It and the Associated Students of the University of Hawai`i support Chancellor Apple.  

Intro Music: Bruises by Chairlift

Outro Music: Rumour Has It by Adele

Publishing Workshop: Arnie Kotler

Arnie Kotler

Book publishing has had the same profile for decades: a few companies, with access to wide distribution networks and printing facilities, selected which manuscripts reached a wide audience…  Authors had to squeeze through a fairly narrow window to reach the public.   It’s a rapidly changing world today, and aspiring authors would do well to understand it. Arnie Kotler, editor-in-chief of Koa Books on Maui, is teaching a couple of Pacific New Media workshops this weekend at University of Hawai’i-Mano’a campus: “Book Publishing: The Confluence of Business and Art” and “Clear Writing: The Art of Editing.” He’s on the line with us this morning.

Intro Music: He Ma`I No `‘Iolani by Pekelo Day

Outro Music: Sustain Me by Stephaun Anu

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