Wednesday, May 14th – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
We often talk about why you should vote, especially in Hawaii with its now infamous low voter turnout. Usually the reason given is if you vote, your interests will be represented. Now a new study from a pair of political scientists from Northwestern and Princeton is throwing cold water on that idea. They say average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little ability to influence policy. Our resident political scientist Neal Milner is here to make some sense of this research in our continuing conversation, the Long View.
Intro Music: Candy Machine Gun by Haley Bonar
Outro Music: Longview by Green Day
Atherton Concert: Rick Smith/Joe Green
People who live on O’ahu’s North Shore have their own way of doing things, whether they grew up there or found their way to the surfing capital from far-flung parts of the world. It’s a world that songwriter Joe Green knows well and he’ll be telling his musical stories at our HPR Atherton Studio this Saturday, accompanied by bluesman Rick Smith and his band. Joe and Rick joined the show to give us a sample.
Intro Music: Usetabe by Joe Green
Outro Music: Dip In the Morning by Joe Green
Discussion of Agricultural Education Programs: Lydi Morgan-Bernal
School Learning Gardens are not a new idea for Hawai‘i. Until the late 1960s, school gardens were common outdoor classrooms in Hawai‘i’s schools. Those sentences come right from the website of the Hawai‘i Farm to School and School Garden Hui. As other garden curriculum is transplanted to Hawaii from the mainland, Hui members say Hawaii should also pay attention to its home grown varieties. Lydi Morgan Bernal is the Coordinator of the statewide Hawai‘i Farm to School and School Garden Hui and joined the show via phone.
Intro Music: Insurrection by The Souljazz Orchestra
Outro Music: Veggietales Theme Song by Rebecca St. James
TAG’s “Glengarry Glen Ross”: Eric Nemoto
When the Honolulu Theater company “the Actors Group” first brought playwright David Mamet’s harsh music to the stage with its 1999 production of “Glengarry Glen Ross,” it put local audiences on notice. This was a theater bent on bringing new and challenging, even difficult, works to the stage. The play takes us into the lives of desperate men, hustling to make a buck, who aren’t too particular about how they do it. TAG is reprising its production under the direction of Eric Nemoto, and he joined us on the phone this morning.
Intro Music: Shadow by Wild Nothing
Outro Music: Glengarry Glen Ross Main Title by James Newton Howard