Friday, May 9th – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
Formation of Food PAC: Ashley Lukens
Depending on how you view them, PACs can be a band of enemies or fighters for social justice . And as we’ve talked about many times on this program, PACS and SUPER PACS are here to stay. Now one is forming in Hawaii to fight political fire with food and it’s all about letting contributors put their money where their mouths are. Ashley Lukens is the Program Director for the Hawaii Center for Food Safety and she joined the show to tell us more about Hawaii’s Food PAC.
Intro Music: Elevate by St. Lucia
Outro Music: Food Deserts by Civil Wars
“The Legend of Koolau”: Playwright Gary Kubota
Fiction can do much to bring history alive, taking us into the emotional core of a story. The emotions that roiled through the Kingdom in 1893 - the year of the overthrow - are the stuff of powerful drama for playwright Gary Kubota, whose new work takes us back to that time, and into the life of a legendary paniolo. “The Legend of Ko’olau” is about a man’s struggles to keep his family together and survive, and Gary joined us this morning.
Intro Music: Koolau by Nathan Aweau
Outro Music: Na Pali Outlaw by Antion Vikram Singh
Bill 38, Plastic Bag Bill: Suzanne Frazer, Co-Founder of B.E.A.C.H.
Suzanne Frazer is the Co-Founder of Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawai`i (known by the acronym B.E.A.C.H.). The all volunteer non-profit focuses on solutions to plastic marine debris through environmental education, plastic reduction, and litter prevention campaigns. Bill 38 to add biodegradable bags to the plastic bag ban is next up for committee reading on May 21 at 1 pm.
Intro Music: Plastic Beach by Gorillaz
Outro Music: Saudade by Thievery Corporation
The Guitar - The Instrument That Rocked the World: Harvey Newquist
Hawaii has a special place in the history of the guitar, and vice versa. Ki Ho’alu, the local adaptation of the instrument to the rhythms and harmonies of Hawaiian song, is a product of the paniolo days, when local cowboys and Mexican vaqueros gathered around campfires. People here have loved the instrument ever since. Guitar, in all its incarnations, continues to inspire Hawaii’s musicians, so this is a good time for a traveling exhibit called “The Guitar: The Instrument That Rocked the World,” to come to town at the Bishop Museum. Harvey Newquist is the Director of the National Guitar Museum. The “Guitar: the Instrument That Rocked the World” Exhibit runs from May 10th to September 1st (closed on Tuesdays) at the Bishop Museum.
Intro Music: Superstition by David T Walker
Outro Music: Punahele by Raymond Kane