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Hilo Medical Center Program Funding; Koolau Writer's Workshop; "Much Ado About Nothing"

It’s Wednesday, April 9th – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation

Hilo Medical Center Funding: Boyd Murayama of HMC

Boyd Murayama

A year ago this month, we were again told Hawaii has a doctor’s shortage...and it had gotten 2 percent worse:   Hawaii was short  747 doctors with projections suggesting that by 2020 it could reach 15 hundred. So imagine the upset at Hilo Medical Center when administrators learned lawmakers had stripped the funding for its residency program. The hospital itself can’t afford to add the four docs and while lawmakers say there could be other ways to fund the program, the hospital is looking to its community… and hoping the concern over the doctors shortage will mean Hilo Medical Center won’t get short-changed. Boyd Murayama is the Assistant Hospital Administrator and Medical Group Practice Director.

Intro Music: Tuesday's Gone by Lynard Skynard

Outro Music: No Stranger by Small Black

Koolau Writer's Workshop: Kristiana Kahakauwila

Kristiana Kahakauwila

The craft of writing is such an intensely personal one; when all is said and done, it’s just you and that blank page, and all the study in the world won’t help you unless you’re very clear about what you want to say.   Kristiana Kahakauwila is a teacher of creative writing who is herself an accomplished author. Her writing about Hawai’i, in her book, “This is Paradise,” takes a clear-eyed view of life in our islands that’s all too rare. She’s the keynote speaker at this Saturday’s Koolau Writers Workshop at Hawaii Loa College, and she’s with us this morning.

Intro Music: The Man From San Sebastian by Devotchka

Outro Music: Nani Ko`olau by Herb Ohta, Jr. & Jon Yamasato

Much Ado About Nothing: Eden Lee Murray

Eden Lee Murray

How well do we know one another?  How well do we know ourselves?   Can even true lovers be tricked into doubting each other? Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, like all of his comedies, asks some serious questions along with all the fun – teasing the audience with its misunderstandings and its mistaken identities.   Was the author also teasing us about his own identity?   Eden Lee Murray’s new production of Much Ado with her Hawaii Theater Young Actors Ensemble has a delicious premise: that the play was in fact written by Edward DeVere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, and that it’s a kind of coded apology to his beloved, Elizabeth I, Queen of England.   It’s a story that can leave your head spinning, and Eden Lee joined the show to clear it all up.

Intro Music: Palau by Not Drowning, Waving

Outro Music: Brush Up Your Shakespeare by New York Cast Recording

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