It’s Thursday, February 13th – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
HI Growth Entrepreneurs’ Day: Dave Kozuki, CEO of Tow Choice
Dave Kozuki is Co-Founder and CEO of Tow Choice. It’s an instant mobile bidding platform to provide roadside assistance to stranded motorists. Tow choice is headquartered in Honolulu and also operates on the mainland. It was also part of the first Blue Startups cohort .
Intro Music: 1994 by Moonlit Sailor
Outro Music: Backyard Quiz Theme by Jon de Mello
Lady Mu and the Yang Family Generals: Sami Akuna
Sami Akuna is one of the cast members of “Lady Mu and the Yang Family Generals,” which opens February 20th and runs until March 1st at Kennedy Theater on the Mano’a campus.
Intro Music: Wishing You Prosperity by Yau Lim, Shanghai Philharmonic
Outro Music: We Will Go Through by Various Artists – Modern Beijing Operas
Bill 47-Sustainable Communities Plan: Koolauloa Civic Club’s Josh Noga
Joshua Noga was raised in Hauula, where he still lives, and is and a member of the Ko'olau Loa Hawaiian Civic Club. He strongly opposes the proposed large-scale development of Malaekahana. And he will be walking in Sunday’s Aloha Aina March for Ko'olau Loa.
Intro Music: Human – Tin Tin Out Mix
Outro Music: Kaimanu by Patrick Landeza
FoodCorp Program Teaches Healthy Food Habits: Nancy Redfeather
Nancy Redfeather runs the Hawaii Island School Garden Network, which supports 63 school and community gardens.
Intro Sounds: Ghost Walk by The Budos Band
Outro Music: Growth by Handbook