It’s Thursday, May 23 – From HPR2, it’s The Conversation
How ya gonna keep them down on the farm? Produce produce
Tom McDonald is the director of social ventures at Kahumana Community in Waianae. The farm offers transitional housing for 120 homeless families and a day program for people with disabilities. It employs and provides job training for the folks in those programs. partial funding comes from its sales, cafe retreat facilities and festivals. The latest happens this Saturday.
Wealthy wreckage winds back the clock
Dr. Hans K. Van Tilburg is the maritime heritage coordinator and the unit diving supervisor for the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. His research will be discussed on an upcoming episode of the PBS digital studio series, UnderH2O.
Prescription prescribers need a pill to chill
Joe Paduda is a nationally recognized managed care advocate and the principal of consulting firm, Health Strategy Associates. His focus now is physician-dispensed, repackaged drugs and the consequences of over prescribing opioids. His surveys on managing costs in workers’ compensation include pharmacy benefits programs. He writes or collaborates on a couple of blogs on health care policy. Mr. Paduda will be speaking at the Hawaii Prescription Drug Summit next Wednesday in Honolulu.
Ron Gilliam is the director of “Yes I am: A Collection of Stories from Honolulu’s LGBT Community.” It will be performed for two weekends starting a week from tomorrow at Fresh Café in Honolulu.