8:08pm Carol Robbins/Deep Canyon/Taylor Street
8:13pm Gustavo Cortiñas Snapshot/Ubermensch/Esse
8:20pm Mads Tolling & the Mads Men/A Taste of Honey/Playing the 60s
8:28pm Jeff Siegel Quartet/Prayer/King of Xhosa
8:35pm Ben Sidran/College/Picture Him Happy
8:38pm Emmet Cohen/Two Bass Hit/Masters Legacy Series Col. 1
8:49pm Hush Point/It’s A Pocketbook/III
8:52pm Tyler Reese/Emancipation/Reminiscence
8:55pm Vitor Gonçalves/The Touch of Your Hand/Quartet
9:08pm Lehcats/Just Cause/Out of the Bag
9:13pm Jeff Rupert & Richard Drexler/Soul Eyes/Imagination
9:22pm Victor Provost/La Casa de Fiesta/Bright Eyes
9:28pm Juan Carlos Polo/De La Nada/Insomnio
9:33pm Chelsea McBride’s Socialist Night School/In Dreams (feat. Alex Samaras)/The Twilight Fall
9:38pm Dan Pratt/Junket/Hymn for the Happy Man
9:47pm Nobuki Takamen/Jimi’s Swing/Live in Japan
9:53pm Chris Rogers/Six Degrees/Voyage Home