Day 6 of HPR's Spring 2018 Pledge Drive, and i'm so very tired and getting pretty loopy! The music over the next couple of nights is going to be a collection of favorite songs pulled from the last 6 months... with a heavy lean on electronic latin.... and everything played is going onto the bonus "Bag-O-Swag".
Starting tomorrow: the EXCLUSIVE gifts for this show are:
~Limited edition Bridging the Gap "Listen to Public Radio" T-Shirts for a pledge of $12.50/mo.
~A BONUS "Bag-O-Swag" filled with a loaded USB bottle opener flash drive, stickers, and button for all pledges over $10/mo.
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Tickets for the Atherton can be found at hprtickets.org
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Upcoming Live Sets:
~Saturday Sunsets at Hula's (Residency)- Saturday April 14th 6-9pm
Set List: