A Sumatran rhino born in the United States has been formally handed over to Indonesian authorities at a sanctuary where he is expected to mate to help save his critically endangered species from extinction.
The 8-year-old rhino arrived at Way Kambas National Park Sunday after more than 10,000-mile trip from Cincinnati, Ohio, to the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. Today at the park in Lampung province - U.S. consular official Robert Ewing delivered the 1,800-pound rhino to a senior official at the Indonesia's Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The rhino named Harapan, or hope, is nicknamed Harry. He was born at the Cincinnati Zoo and for nearly the past two years was the last Sumatran rhino in the Western Hemisphere.
Dr. Monica Stoops of the Cincinnati Zoo spoke about the mission with us, and said Harapan’s previous trips helped prepare him for the 53-hour journey.