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Classical Pacific May 30, 2017

John C. Zak
John C. Zak

Welcome to Classical Pacific on Hawaii Public Radio HPR 2. I’m your host, John Kalani Zak.

Today is May 30, 2017, the day after Memorial Day. I hope you had a peaceful Memorial Day weekend. Though I have no relatives at the Memorial Park in Kaneohe, I drove out there on Sunday to pay my respects. What a moving experience it was. The grounds were festooned with flowers and American flags. The sun was playing “hide and seek” with the Ko’olaus, creating a breathtaking visual effect across the entire range. Grouped around some of the graves, families had come to spend part of the afternoon with loved ones. I find this tradition to be quite touching. Here in Hawaii, ancestors are still very much part of the family, not dead, buried, and forgotten. In my view,  such ways of honoring those who have departed really keep the family lineage alive.

In today’s show we will hear music of Rachmaninov and Prokofiev. performed by Alexi Sultanov. We’ll also hear Nicholas Harnancourt and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe performing several pieces by Schumann. And, as usual, I am working on some surprises to toss into the mix.

Classical Pacific began in February, 2017, as a result of Hawaii Public Radio’s ongoing commitment to give listeners across Hawaii and around the world more of what they love, on two networks: HPR 1 and HPR 2. Airing five days a week at 3 P.M. Hawaii time, the series  features the finest of the world’s classical music, while also shining a spotlight on orchestras, artists, and composers of the Pacific region, including Polynesia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, The U.S., Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia. We’ll also add spice with indigenous and World music that is creating new musical languages and collaborations worldwide.

Classical Pacific and all Hawaii Public Radio programs are available online at our website: hawaiipublicradio.org. You can also download the free app for your mobile device and take HPR with you whenever and wherever you travel! Just type H - P - R in the search box of your App. store!

John C. Zak
Credit John C. Zak

John Kalani Zak, the son of an airline executive father and a journalist mother, was born in Washington D. C. He has lived in and traveled to many locations around the globe, and is delighted to call Hawaiʻi his home.
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