This week Helping Hand starts two weeks of related segments, spotlighting organizations that can play a critical role in finding specific resources related to disability. Aloha Independent Living Hawaii is dedicated to giving people with disabilities the choice of where to receive independent living services. They provide information and referrals, peer counseling, advocacy, independent living skills training and transition assistance. HPR All Things Considered Host Dave Lawrence speaks with Executive Director Roxanne Bolden. Even if you don't hear the issue you need help with covered, it's worth giving this organization a call, as they are connected to many other nonprofits, agencies and resources.
Helping Hand airs Fridays on All Things Considered during it's statewide afternoon drive broadcast and then is archived here online. Helping Hand puts the spotlight on topics, organizations and events that offer assistance to people with disabilities and the most vulnerable.
Contact Aloha Independent Living Hawaii:
Email: or use the contact form at their site
Phone: (808)385-2454 (AILH)
Find all the previous Helping Hand segments.