The City and County of Honolulu is ranked the most dangerous city in the nation for seniors, ages 65 and older, being hit in sidewalks and for seniors at risk of being killed as pedestrians. Mayor Kirk Caldwell unveiled a 7-point plan to increase pedestrian safety.
“We’re gonna require that there be stencils placed on major intersections where accidents have occurred, says ‘Look All Ways.’ It’s to remind pedestrians to empower yourself. So, stop and don’t cross until you looked all ways. We’re gonna start at 20 locations. Number two. We’re gonna be doing bollards like this. This one says, ‘Slow Down for Schools,’ it will just say, ‘Slow Down for Pedestrians.’ Gluing them in the road so that people are reminded to slow down, there’s a pedestrian crossing over here. The third one is flags. They’re gonna have the logo, ‘Look All Ways’ just like this. We’ve ordered them so that people can use them as they cross the street and, again, one is to remind pedestrians, before you step out with this flag it means you better look everywhere. And, two, drivers, when you see this, you’re going to be more careful because you see someone walking on a crosswalk.”
Other measures include proposed state legislation for no right turn on red and red light cameras for photo enforcement. Another emphasis will be stepped up roving patrols with specialized police vehicles for driving under the influence. Captain Ben Moskowitz is with HPD’s Traffic Division.
“Last year there were 3,999 citizens of the City and County of Honolulu that were arrested and charged for drinking and driving or using drugs and driving. That’s totally unacceptable. Just this past weekend we had another alcohol-related fatality. It happens all the time and we’ve become numb to it. So, yeah, the HPD will step up enforcement. I feel like a broken record. We’ve had this conversation many, many times but be aware. We don’t care who we catch. If we pull you over, you will get arrested. The gloves are off. There’s no holds barred.”
Other initiatives by the County include developing an O’ahu Pedestrian Plan and a “Look All Ways” PSA campaign.